Bangui, Ilocos Norte

Bangui is located 544km north of Manila. It is situated on hills and
mountains thus citrus industry  made the town famous. The once verdant
mountains were abused but are now trying to regain its richness
through reforestation program of the government.

The Zigzag Road

It is situated about ten kilometers south of the town proper. A
viewdeck was erected offering a great view of the town's mountains,
the river sneaking its way out to the  Bangui Bay which is a part of
the South China Sea. It is said that some ship can go nearer to the
shore because the bay is deep but calm. The bay supports the fishing
industry of the town.

Swimming Resort

The circumferential bay in town is famous and is even considered as
the  best scenery in the whole island of Luzon.

Windmills of Bangui

The first power generating windmill in the Southeast Asia. There are
twenty wind turbines lined along the shore facing the South China Sea.
It is one of the best tourist spot in the Philippines.

Amian Festival

It is a thanksgiving celebration to the town's patron saint, St.
Lawrence. It is as well a celebration of oneness and abundance. It is
celebrated every last week of April.

Events includes talent showdown called Talentadong Banguinian; grilled
food fest called Tinuno Festival; beauty pageant called Ms.
Kannawidan; and the most anticipated event is the  Grand Parade and
Street Dance. The festivities ends with Barangay Night which
highlights the coronation of Ms. Bangui.

Experience the breathtaking beauty of the sunset on Bangui Bay and The
Windmills only in Bangui.

For your travel assistance in going to Ilocos Norte, you may want to
read our article, Ilocos Norte :  Travel Up North.


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