Acne and Causes

Acne or medically known as Acne Vulgaris, is a skin disease that is
not dangerous but it may leave scars. The oil glands under the skin
produces an oily liquid called Sebum. The Sebum carries dead skin
cells through the follicles which are connected to the tiny pores of
the skin. If the oil is accumulated under the skin and the follicles
are blocked by small hair growing out of the skin, then pimples grow.

Acne can affect anyone at any age but adolescents and young adults are
more prone to it.

Causes of Acne

Hormones. It is an important contributor to acne. It occurs around the
mouth and may spread on the face or other body parts.

Hormonal changes happen during:

-Puberty. Wherein the Androgen (a type of hormone) level increases. It
will cause the oil glands to produce more oil. And the oil accumulates
under the skin, bacteria may grow that causes pimple.

-Pregnancy. Hormones have higher level during pregnancy. It can be
similar to puberty stage.

-Menstrual Cycle. Pimple appears usually before a woman's period, due
to hormonal changes.

Genetic. Genes are important contributor of acne. The tendency can run
in the family.

Certain Medications. Medication containing ingredients such as
androgens or corticosteroids may cause acne.

Other Factors that can Worsen Acne:

Diet. Too much intake on carbohydrates-rich foods and dairy products
may trigger acne.

Anxiety or Stress. They cause hormone that makes the oil glands
produce more oil. Cortisol or stress hormones are involuntary released
when the brain recognizes stress, it may cause pimple.

Climate. Exposure to extreme temperatures may trigger the appearance of pimples.

Oil-based Makeups. It may speed up the blocking of pores.

Greasy Hair. There are oil-based hair products that may aggravate acne.

Squeezing the pimples. May worsen and will cause scarring as well.

There are treatments available for acne. Topical medicines such as
creams lotions or gels. They have different ingredients and is
designed for different skin types. But for severe acne, better consult
a skin specialist or dermatologist.


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