Hair Loss and Prevention

Do you often see hair strands on your hair brush each time you use it?
Whether or not you are experiencing hair loss, you need to take most
care of your hair since it's your crowning glory. Hair loss is one of
the most common problems nowadays and some of the major causes are due
to our lifestyle such as mineral deficiency, unbalanced diet, stress
and the environment as well.

Though hair fall is normal and you think that your experiencing more
than the usual, ask a doctor about it for an accurate diagnosis. You
may undergo special therapy or treatments.

Hair restoration surgery. This treatment is like redistribution of
hair, wherein hair is removed from the dense area and placed to areas
needing it. This is usually performed to men.

Hair transplant. Consists of 1-2 hair strands planted at a time, it
works natural. This is best for male-pattern baldness.

Laser treatments. Laser therapy increases blood flow to hair follicles
that can regrow hair. Laser comb or brushes is now available so you
can do it at home.

Medication. There are medicines that can prevent or slow down hair
loss. Both drugs below, take about a year to see the effect.
Minoxidil, it's sprayed into scalp. Finasteride, it's an oral
medication, according to recent studies it may cause sexual
dysfunction. Better ask your doctor before using or taking these

Nutrients to Add in your Diet for a Healthier Hair

Protein. Sources are mik, cheese, yogurt, egg, white-meat poultry,
pork tenderloin, lean beef, seafood, potato, brocolli, beans.

Iron. Sources are beef, pork, liver, fish, green leafy vegetables, beans.

Vitamin C. Helps boost iron absorption. Sources are citrus fruits,
green leafy vegetables, tomatoes.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids. Prevents hair from dryness and brittleness.
Sources are tuna, salmon, mackerel, walnut.

Zinc. Sources are lean beef, turkey, oyster, peanut butter.

Biotin (B Vitamins). Sources are walnut, soybean, sunflower seeds.

Things to be Aware of:

Washing the hair. Use mild shampoo. Pat dry your hair, rubbing the
hair too much with a towel causes breakage. Use wide-toothed comb on
wet hair, not a hairbrush.

Drying the hair. Avoid using hair dryer because it makes the hair
brittle. Let it dry naturally.

Combing/Brushing dry hair. Use soft-bristled brush for dry hair. Avoid
frequent brushing, it may trigger hair loss.

Tangle. Use fingers to untangle hair.

Heating procedures. Constant exposure of the hair to heat makes the
strands weak. Minamal usage for heated tools such as hair dryers, hot
brushes, hot curlers and hot iron. These tools may burn the scalp
causes permanent damage to hair follicles.

Hairstyle. If the hair is tightly pulled for a hairstyle then it can
trigger hair loss. Avoid tight pony tails and braids. Don't wind hair
too tight on a heated roller.

Dyeing. This process can be damaging to the coat of the hair. It makes
the strands dull, dry and prone to breakage. Avoid dyeing more often
than 2 months.

These simple things if followed can slow down hair loss. Remember,
very hot or very cold water can damage hair. Hot towel steam for 5
minutes is good for the hair.

And if we start a healthy diet then we can get the minerals that may
strengthen and nourish our hair. Just a reminder, protein needed by
the hair should be from your diet. Eating raw eggwhites must be
avoided, it prevents absorption of biotin in the body.

Good thing is, aside from the expensive treatments and therapies,
there are home remedies that can help you slow down hair fall.

Do this at home:

Mix honey and eggyolk. Apply onto hair, leave for about an hour. Rinse
off. For the egg's after-smell, dissolve a spoon of vinegar into a cup
of water, wash it onto hair. Do it weekly.

Almond/Olive oil hot massage. Massage onto hair and scalp for a couple
of minutes. Do it twice a week.

Mix hot coconut oil with lime juice. Apply evenly onto hair and leave
it overnight, wash it the next morning. Do it every other day.


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