Canary Bird

A canary is a social bird that makes them comfortable with a mate. But
they can be territorial that they must not be caged with agressive
birds like parrot. A male canary sings more melodious than any other
bird. They normally sing when they are single to attract a mate. Once
they are paired up with a female canary, they will sing less often.

A great pet for beginner since they do not require too much attention.
If you want to have a pet bird for companionship, canaries can be a
good choice. They have a life span of 10 years but may exist up to 15
years. But to ensure a healthier canary pet you have to make
considerations with a healthy diet, to prevent diseases and illnesses,
and a comfortable cage since they need a lot of sleep at night.

Important things to consider for a canary pet:

Socialization. Canary may have a sweet personality. They rarely bite
so they will unlikely harm people or other pets. But the canary bird
are more territorial when housed with other birds.

Feeding. A canary bird cannot survive 24 hours without water. Make
sure to provide fresh water. About a teaspoon of canary seeds a day
can be given to a single bird.

Canary Seeds. Vitamin coated seed which can be canary's daily food.
You can soak it for a softer diet. Seed mixture should form a balanced
source of carbohydrate and protein.

Pellets. Contains vitamins and more protein than seeds. But may not be
accepted by the bird because they are raised with seeds so they might
not recognize it.

Fruits and Vegetables. Encourage the bird to eat by providing several
food items. Green vegetables that can be added on their daily diet
such as celery, spinach, brocolli and peas. You can add fruits like
bananas, melons, apples, oranges, grated carrots and corn. Must not be
treated with pesticides.

Song food. May be given every few days, it can enhance the birds vocal chords.

Egg Biscuit. May be given weekly for an extra protein.

Calcium Supplement. Must added on the diet, once a week or for
breeding birds 5 times a week.

Training. Canaries are enjoyed with their melodious singing. But they
can learn some simple tricks like playing a toy. It may require
taming. If you want to tame a canary, it should be a single young
bird. You will need patience and persistent effort.

Grooming. Canary nails need to be trimmed but consult the veterinarian
for on the first trimming. Long nails can catch cage wires/perches
that may lead to broken nails, broken legs and lost toes. If a vein is
clipped during trimming, you must stop blood flow by applying flour or
cornstarch on the wound immediately. Bleeding may cause death.

Shallow Bath. A plastic planter can be used, fill with lukewarm water.
Place on the cage floor and clean it daily.

Cage. It is the only space of your canary in this world. Make sure
that it's large enough for the bird to fly. Length is important for a
cage because the bird flies back and forth. You may place it in a
corner where there is minimal noise and no artificial light. Remember
that the bird loves to sleep.

Cage Care. Cage must be cleaned daily along with water and food
dishes. Weekly wash the entire cage with soap and water.

Injuries due to small cage. If the bird is not provided enough space
there may be some injuries like cut, open wounds, feather picking,
ingrown feathers, over-grown nails and beaks, broken wing or neck.

Moulting. Happens normally between July to September. During this
time, the bird may not feel well and will not sing very often. Feeding
should be high in protein because it is important for the new
feather's formation. Frequent baths assist in loosening old feathers.
You may add moulting supplement on the diet.

Diseases and Illnesses. The common illnesses the canaries suffer from
are due to unbalanced diet such as diarrhea, constipation, colds,
heatstroke and weight loss.

Signs of Illnesses. Lack of appetite, ruffled feathers, moulting out
of season, abnormal droppings and the male canaries stop to sing.

Before bringing home a canary pet, though they require little
attention, remember that they need treats for good food, fresh and a
clean environment.


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