Broccoli and Health Benefits

Brassica oleracea or commonly known as broccoli. It was called the
king of the cruciferous family where cabbage and cauliflower belong.
Broccoli boosts a delicious flavor, dozens of nutrition and packed
with health benefits. It is loaded with special and unique disease

Nutrients and Health Benefits in Broccoli:

*Anti-oxidants. Broccoli contains a variety of anti-oxidants, this
synergy is very good in fighting cancer. According to research, it
lowered the risk of prostate, colon, breast, bladder and cervical

Vitamin C. Broccoli is a concentrated source of anti-oxidants like
Vitamin C along with flavonoids, which provide longer support of
oxygen metabolism in the body.

Sulforaphane. Another strong anti-oxidant called sulforaphane in
broccoli sprouts, has a strong impact on the detoxification system of
the body.

Sulforaphane. It helps stimulate production of detoxification enzymes
that may reduce tumor size.

Sulforaphane. It boosts the detoxification abilities of the skin. It
helps repair skin damages brought by over exposure to the sun.

The anti-inflammatory property of sulforaphane, may prevent damage to
the blood vessels. It may lower the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Sulforaphane and Dietary Fiber. The intestines are supported and
regulated by dietary fiber, therefore it fights constipation and
indigestion. The sulforaphane helps protect the stomach lining, it may
help prevent peptic ulcer, gastritis and esophagitis.

There are other anti-oxidants like Vitamin E, manganese, zinc,
beta-carotene, glutathione, lutein, glucarate, indoles. Broccoli is a
real source of concentrated anti-oxidants.

May prevent birth defect. Anti-oxidant compounds help protect sperm to
prevent genetic damage and birth defect.

Eye Disorder. The anti-oxidant level is a good defense against eye diseases.

*Glucosinolates. It is an anti-estrogenic compound that may help in
the excretion of excess estrogen, associated to breast cancer.
Sulforaphane and glucosinolates. They help regulate detox activity in
the body.

*Another anti-cancer compound called indole-3-carbinol, has been shown
to fight breast and prostate cancer.

*Cholesterol Lowering Ability. Broccoli may lower cholesterol and
since it is rich in B Vitamins as well, it can support cardiovascular

*Metabolism of Vitamin D. Broccoli is a good source of Vitamins A and
K. Their strong combination helps keep Vitamin D metabolism in proper

*Bone Building. Broccoli provides better calcium than cow's milk, thus
it helps build stronger bones.

Broccoli is as well good source of Vitamin E, phosphorus, magnesium
and potassium.

Selection of Fresh Broccoli:

Color. Fresh broccoli is dark green, sage, purple green with no yellowing.

Stalks and stems. They should be firm and no slimy spots.

Floret Clusters. They should be compact, not bruised.

Storage. Store in a plastic bag in the refrigerator. Do not wash
before storing as it may cause spoilage.


Raw juice provides the most nutrition. It can be combined with fresh
carrot or apple juice for better taste.

Steamed. Broccoli cooked by steaming provides much of its
cholesterol-lowering ability, compared from eating raw broccoli.

Steamed or Quick Stir-fried Cooking. The broccoli's anti-oxidant
compounds may be preserved well.


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