Mango and Health Benefits

Scientific Name: Mangifera Indica

Mango is one of the most cultivated fruits in the tropics. Raw and
dried mangoes both provide health benefits. It contains Vitamins A, C
and E that may protect the body against free radicals. It contains
potassium that helps maintain the body fluids in proper balance. Mango
has low fat and carbohydrates that can be easily burned by the body.

Dried mango though has lower amount of iron and Vitamin C that's
caused by the drying process.

Mango Nutrients

*Vitamin C and Health Benefits:

Dental Care. Mango contains Vitamin C. It helps maintain healthy gums,
prevents bleeding and tooth decay. May help in preventing scurvy as

*Vitamin C helps in iron absorption and mango is rich in iron. Iron
enriches the blood.

Treatment for Blood Disorder. The iron content of mango is beneficial
to people with anemia and leukemia.

Pregnancy. Mangoes may prevent morning sickness.

*Vitamin C and Anti-Cancer Benefit

Mango is rich in Vitamin C, that may forbid the production a substance
that can cause cancer, called natrosamin.

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that may protect the body against free radicals.

Mango has antioxidant compounds that protect against cancer of the
breast, prostate, colon and leukemia.

Lupeol is a compound in mango, that may suppress tumor cells,
especially prostate cancer.

*Pectin and Health Benefits:

Pectin is a soluble dietary fibre present in mango. It may decrease
the action of galectin 9, a protein that plays a great role in cancer.

Lower Cholesterol. The high level of pectin and tinnginya fiber along
with Vitamin C may help lower cholesterol level.

*Antioxidants, Carotenoids and Vitamin C Health Benefit:

Immune Booster. Mango may help for a better immune system.

*Beta-Carotene and Vitamin A Health Benefits:

Beta-carotene is eventually transformed into Vitamin A inside the body.

Skin Care. Vitamin A deficiency may cause skin dullness. Mango may be
used as an internal or external skin care. It may prevent acne and
unclogs pores. It can lighten the skin as well.

Eye Care. Vitamin A May prevent dry eyes that can cause further irritation.

*Vitamin B6 and Health Benefit:

Mango is packed with Vitamin B6 that may help improve brain functions.

*Fiber and Enzyme Health Benefits:

*Mango is a potent source of fiber that may help aid digestion. It
contains enzyme that may help prevent constipation by breaking down

Dried mango may lower the risk of heart burn.

Mango is good for people suffering from ulcer, chronic dyspepsia,
indigestion, constipation and diarrhea.

Other Health Benefits:

Mango may help promote better liver by increasing bile juice secretion.

Raw mango may cool down body temperature.

Mango juice may prevent loss of minerals in the body caused by
excessive perspiration.

It may help keep the alkaline reserve in the body because it contains
citric, tartaric and malic acid.

Mango doesn't just quench thirst with a delightful taste but a bunch
of health benefits. Maybe you would rather pick a pack of dried mango
slices rather than a sugary candy the next time you shop.


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